Islamic Wallpaper collection:
HatafSoft each and every time brought unique and interesting application for the android OS users. Now HatafSoft bring one more interesting and beautiful application "Islamic Wallpaper Designs Collection", this free app contain beautiful and pleasant Islamic wallpapers collection of different holy place, mosques, Allah and prophet Muhammad(PBUH) name’s wallpapers and etc.
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Upward Mobility's new CompTIA A+ 801 will thoroughly prepare you for both the 220-801 IT technician certifiction with 320 questions and explanations, with expanded, all-new material written by a CompTIA-certified trainer. Our apps cover all topics to be found on the new CompTIA A+ 801 exam, including: Hardware, Laptops, Networking, Printers, and Procedures.
Upward Mobility proudly presents our NREMT EMT Basic Exam Prep app for Android. This no-nonsense app contains a targeted curriculum of over 1000 questions designed to include all necessary content areas required for a certified EMT.
Upward Mobility presents our NREMT EMT I/85 Exam Prep app for Android.
This module contains a targeted curriculum of 298 questions designed to include all necessary content areas required of an EMT Intermediate. All questions were written exclusively for Upward Mobility by expert writers who are certified EMTs who maintain a thorough and up-to-date knowledge of EMS material.
pward Mobility’s NREMT Paramedic / EMT Exam Prep is a valuable tool to help you pass the National Register of Emergency Medical Technicians exam. This practice exam/review module contains 202 questions written by professional writers with concise, detailed explanations to help you prepare for this test.
Grades2Go Mobile for Android is a companion app for Grades2Go Desktop, the first data platform designed specifically for teachers. Full info is available at
Much more than a gradebook, Grades2Go has extensive commenting, journaling, PDF reporting, and automated communication capabilities. With teachers under pressure for more accountability and results, Grades2Go is an indispensable professional tool.
The NREMT First Responder Exam Prep is Upward Mobility’s focused exam preparation Android application for the NREMT First Responder Exam. This module contains a targeted curriculum of more than 250 useful questions dealing with the successful knowledge required for First Responders.
Prepare for your Certified Phlebotomy Tech exam on the go with Upward Mobility's Phlebotomy Tech Exam Prep app for Android. This module was carefully crafted by phlebotomy experts to help you review phlebotomy essentials. Each of the 276 multiple-choice questions is paired with a detailed, helpful explanation.
Discover the new challenges that the teacher Batllori has prepared to test the sharpest minds of any age. The new exercises, more interactive, dynamic and fun, allow you to exercise your brain on the go.
Proper test preparation calls for savvy time management skills, and Upward Mobility's NCLEX-PN Nursing Exam Prep app will help you take advantage of the oddly spaced studying opportunities throughout your day, whether they're found on your daily commute or in line at the grocery store.
Proper test preparation calls for savvy time management skills, and Upward Mobility's NCLEX-RN Nursing Exam Prep app will help you take advantage of the oddly spaced studying opportunities throughout your day, whether they're found on your daily commute or in line at the grocery store.
This app brings your favorite casual game "Truth and Dare" to your mobile phone.
Make your child learn English Alphabet with an easy and addictive game format.
From now on you'll have no excuse to be bored with this game.
You have to guide the star to the surface Bob jumping between coral and picking up the other stars.
Try to avoid to other fish. Bumping can harm fish!!
Download this game for free and enjoy anywhere with your mobile phone.
If you were a fan of the great game Arkanoid, now enjoy with Vector 360 Breakout.
Destroy all the balls trying to defend your base in under 30 seconds by bouncing your weapon and even reversing gravity.
Post your best score in the Highscores table and reach the number 1.
Download this free game, get anywhere with your mobile phone. You are only a click away. Get It!
Construct the taller tower of blocks, but be careful, because the gravity are not at your side. And Newton was right!!!
Download this free application and enjoy anywhere with your mobile phone.
MobileMap Sicilia è un applicazione in grado di consultare tramite geolocalizzazione le cartografie istituzionali (in questa versione della Regione Sicilia) fornite tramite servizi in WMS.
La velocità di caricamento delle cartografie dipende esclusivamente dai server della Regione Siciliana.
Le cartografie consultabili non hanno nessun valore legale e sono consultabili solo per scopi di studio, Geofunction non si assume alcuna responsabilità per usi diversi o elaborazioni.
Avec l'arrivée de Free Mobile sur le marché de la téléphonie mobile, la concurence change également ses tarifs.
Alors si vous souhaitez quitter votre opérateur, que ce soit Bouygues Telecom, Orange, SFR, Free Mobile ou un autre, cette application est faite pour vous.
Capture your favorite movements in photos that dance!
Create ridiculously cool motion photographs (cinemagraphs) with fotodanz. It's FREE! No need to register either.
bitShark is a powerful and feature rich packet capture and analysis application for Android
It's like Wireshark for Android!