Help Ginger PiggyBank catch as many coins as possible
Irish PAYE Income Tax calculator for Budget 2012 - soon 2013
This is the mobile verson of the desktop tax calculator
It calculates your Take Home Pay, Income Tax, PRSI, Universal Social Charge (USC), Pension Contributions, Income levy and net tax due.
Aplikasi Pemandu SMS BCA adalah aplikasi yang membantu anda dalam melakukan transaksi SMS Banking Bank BCA. Anda tidak perlu repot untuk menghapalkan format penulisan SMS banking tersebut karena aplikasi ini akan menambahkan dan menyusun format penulisan SMS secara otomatis, sesuai dengan jenis transaksi yang anda pilih.
Password Database is a single stop solution to store all of your on line account's user ids and passwords in a single place and lock the entire database with single unique password.
Characteristics: The program is able to
Aplikasi Panduan SMS BNI 46 adalah aplikasi yang membantu anda melakukan SMS Banking Bank BNI 46. Aplikasi ini berfungsi sebagai penyusun otomatis format penulisan SMS Banking (syntax sms banking) berdasarkan data yang anda masukkan, sehingga anda tidak perlu repot mengingat susunan format SMS Banking tersebut.
Acclaimed by language professionals from all over the world, the Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary leads its field.
Turn your mobile into credit card. 200 € credit in your pocket.
OnSign TV is an incredibly easy-to-use Digital Signage Management Solution for Android. It lets you manage your digital signage down to each individual screen and change the content of your displays whenever you need.
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You are just One Click from the most important sites arranged by category and area / language.
Please help us and let us know about any site that we missed.
Try the traditional Turkish game classic "Okey", in it's best form on mobile.
Okey is a traditional tile-based game with long history and many variations. It's highly popular in Turkey, played by people in every age. It's very similar to Rummy/Rummikub as it is played with the same set of boards and tiles but with different rules.
In attempting to follow his mother's instructions, a good-hearted bot always does the right thing.
Simple widget to know active network infos and to switch wifi on/off.
Is your device on wifi or data plan mode?
What is current IP address?
Find your nearby places like ATM,Banks,hospitals etc.
Currency rates:
- from National Bank of Ukraine (NBU).
- from Central Bank of Russia (CBR)
One screen application with rate list.
Banner inside.
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MyHome helps to track Home data - family, house, utilities, bills, etc, in an organized manner.
myExpensePal is a program to allow you to budget money as well as track the balances of your accounts.
Version 2.4 will be available soon. Please report any bugs with 2.3.4 so they can be fixed ASAP.
Please Rate/Comment and if you like it upgrade to the paid version.
2.3.4- Bug Fixes (Sort/Tabs/Registration/Foreign Currency)