allows you to purchase Cricket Mobile Prepaid Minutes and top-up pins directly from your phone.
$1/day plan Unlimited Anytime minutes.
$2/day plan Unlimited Anytime minutes, Unlimited Text and Pix.
$3/day plan Unlimited Anytime minutes, Unlimited Text Unlimited Web , Unlimited International text and 411 directory Assistance
Wusstest du, dass 123456 das am häufigsten im Internet verwendete Passwort ist?
Oder wusstest du, dass "Rhinotillexomania" die medizinische Bezeichnung für Nasenbohren ist?
Wenn nicht, ist diese App genau das Richtige für dich.
An Android file checksum calculator that actually works
This app allows you to gain an immediate insight into your customer service. It allows you to receive scores from clients and also send SMS messages seeking feedback from your clients.
It is one of only a handful of apps that facilitates customer feedback
A gun is an interesting weapon; it can be hired, of course, and naturally doesn't care who hires it. Something much the same can be said of the gunman, too....
Unfortunately for Joe Prantera, a hitman, his future may not be as simple as taking the next job. How will it end?
You decide. Part of the "Make Your Own Adventures" series. You can choose the path and make the decision. And if none of the options are good enough for you, you can create new adventure paths.
Budget planner & expense manager free app. Create virtual envelopes of money and track each expense by taking money from these budget envelopes. IN ORDER TO USE THIS APP YOU MUST INSTALL ALSO HANDWALLET EXPENSE MANAGER.
May be used for:
- Planning a budget for a trip. Decide how much you want to spend on each category of the journey and let the app do all the hard work of exchange rates for you
- Track car expense
- Building or purchasing a house
A quick and fun shooting game to test your reaction time!
Statistics Quick Reference was designed by a qualified statistics Instructor. Each of the concepts was explained in detail, followed by an example for better understanding.
Aplicația Auto Rovinieta verifica în funcție de numărul de înmatriculare și seria sașiului dacă exista rovinieta valabila , în caz afirmativ este afișată data ultimei zile valabile. Se poate adauga un numar nelimitat de masini si se poate salva pentru fiecare pe langa data de expirare a rovinietei si data de expirare a ITP-ului si a RCA-ului.
Do you feel most checklist tools are too rigid and/or too specific to use? Pen-and-paper is still quite possibly The Method? This tool aims solving that: create list, use 2 types of checkmarks, and optionally let you tag a photo (by file, and by camera if your device offers it)
A small (1.xM after install only) utility for creating images with alpha channel for alpha compositing.
It's fast and without disturbing ads.
A christmas game for kids, with letters, numbers and christmas coloring pages.
Pick Pocket Protection is designed to sound a loud, annoying buzzer in case someone takes the device from Your pocket or table.
Yellow Texture theme for GO Locker
Realtime GO-style strategy. Capture more territory than your opponent.
3D crossword puzzle game(Lite). Spell words, get points. 2 players or computers.
Play with your friends and exercise associations without worrying about cards, board or timing. All you need to enjoy the coolest version of Tabu is your smartphone and a pinch of imagination…
Track your favorite rock and metal bands gigs.
Application shows when and where bands from RoadRunner Records will perform.
This application is for members of iKings Stargate Coalition minecraft servers as well as other minecraft fans that love to keep up with the latest news and updates on the game and other interesting topics that deal with Minecraft, iKingsSGC as well as technology and gaming.