Virtual Mark Virtual Mark v1.0

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Why to use this app?
Some times we put our things at a place and when we need them after some days, than we have forgot where we have putted them. Than we have to waste our valuable time to find that thing. The main aim of this app is to remember your things and the place where you putted them.\n
You have a box, you putted it in your kitchens cupboard, you can add it in the app. Now if after a couple of months you want that box, you can start this app click on button VirtualMark and SELECT the box from the LIST, the app will show you the place where you putted the box.\n
Now you don't have to search your whole house to find the box, you can know where your box is in just few seconds.\n
This app offers options like adding, updating, removing and displaying the VirtualMark. First you will add a thing and its place than you can view them from Virtual Mark button. You can also update the place and also delete them if you want.\n
Why I named it Virtual Mark ?\n
I thoughted that when we read a book, to remember where we left last time and from where we have to start now, we use a card or string which is placed in the page as a mark to remind us from where we have to start reading again. It helps to save time as we can find the page very quickly. When we do browsing on internet than we do bookmark on the websites so that we can easily find them. It helps to save time in finding the web site. So, similarly I thoughted it will be a good idea to have an app which can help us remember place of our things so, I named it Virtual Mark.


Parental rating: 
Everyone (age 6 and over)
Default language: 
Trial version: 
"In-App" billing: 
With advertisements: 
Virtual Mark
Virtual Mark
Virtual Mark
Virtual Mark
Virtual Mark


Requires Google Play and/or account: 
Requires third-party libraries: 
Requires 'rooted' device: 
Target Android version: 
Android 4.3
Minimum Android version: 
Android 2.2
Requires features: 

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