Now for only 99 cents! Discover the additive Game that keeps you guessing about cats! Learn about cat breeds from Siamese to Bobtails to Chartreux through visual recognition and multiple choice questions. Along with the game this app comes with a complete Cat Breed reference encyclopedia with a focus on high quality imagery and detailed descriptions of cats with an emphasis on temperament and breed history/heritage.
App Highlights:
1. Addictive Cat Breed Recognition Game.
2. Android's largest Cat Reference Guide containing over 60 Feline Breeds!
3. Details on temperament and breed/Lineage history.
Keywords: cats breed app kitten cat Chartreux Bobtail feline siamese kitty Abyssinian American Curl American Shorthair American Wirehair Balinese Bengal Birman Bombay Burmese Chausie Colorpoint Cornish Rex Devon Rex Egyptian Mau Euro Burmese Exotic Shorthair Havana Brown Highlander Himalayan Japanese Bobtail Javanese Korat Kurilian Bobtail LaPerm Maine Coon Manx Munchkin Ocicat Longhair Oriental Shorthair Persian Peterbald Pixie-Bob RagaMuffin Ragdoll Savannah Scottish Fold Selkirk Rex Siamese Siberian Singapura Snowshoe Somali Sphynx Thai Tonkinese Toyger Turkish Angora Van