
Share By QRCode Share By QRCode v1.01

Share web addresses by QRCode from the Browser or YouTube app.


TofuNotes TofuNotes v2.4.3

The most elegant and user friendly note editor on slideME, for free!


Scratch Paper Scratch Paper v4.1

A virtual scratch paper (scribbling block) for taking notes in a quick and easy manner. Put it on your Android desktop and it will be accessible all the time. The notes will stay on your phone/device until you "Clear" it. After writing your notes, you can share it with yourself or your friend via e-mail, text message, etc.


Quick Settings Quick Settings v1.9.8

Quick Settings is a highly customizable all-in-one settings applications for Android


MySettings MySettings v1.9.8

It's beautiful tool that allows you quickly enable or disable different settings.

The best toggle settings tool.


Quick App Installer Quick App Installer v1.0.1

Quick App Installer
install external android apps on your mobile, you can search any folder by typing the folder location or just place your apk files in your scard root folder and easily install them on your phone
