
ONDiGO ONDiGO v0.8.8

Write notes in seconds about each contact in your network! ONDiGO will show you these notes exactly when you need them.
(Just imagine everyone around you with a post-it note stuck to their forehead!)

ONDiGO is an exciting new and simplified way to stay on top of your game on-the-go.

Keep track of your contacts and never forget what you talked about.
All notes, texts, and status changes are aggregated in your activity history for quick reference.


Quick PDF Scanner Quick PDF Scanner v5.2.695

Easily scan, create, and share multipage PDF documents using your camera.


Calendar Widget Calendar Widget v4.23

Beautiful and clean calendar widget - supports facebook, google or exchange calendar + allows to set real reminder on any calendar event. See all your agenda on your home screen, and never miss anything again from your calendar widget - forget about short "beep" reminders of default calendar.


Battery Master Battery Master v2.18

The ONLY 1 real battery life extender that makes your battery last longer(FREE)


Xodo Docs Xodo Docs v2.0.3

Xodo is the ultimate cross-platform PDF viewer and annotator. And it’s 100% free.
