Manage your own ToDo-List direct on your Android.
- categorisation
- prioritisation
- daylist
- widget for daylist
- SD-Card import / export functionality
Available in german and englisch
you can also try the online-version with direct synchronisation to
ptMobile is a pivotaltracker client for android.
How often do you go shopping, only to find out you forgot the list at home?! Since your Android is now a permanent appendage on your body, this app makes it easy for you to remember your grocery list. When you run out of something at home, plug it into Grocery Boy. When you shop, Grocery Boy is there! Thank you Grocery Boy!
Efficiency tracker is the simple application to manage your daily work productivity.
This is only for Cupcake devices (Android 1.5), if you have a higher version, download "Efficiency Tracker" application.
Application uses Google Chart Tool to generate charts, so Internet connection is required.
Simple calculator which allows you to easily split your bill amongst any number of people with a few predefined tip amounts or even a custom one!
RD Whois, domain name query tool for Android.
If you want to buy an iPad or drive a nicer car, yet you do not have enough money to pay for it, you can start saving money now with our app. All you need to do is to save $10 here, and $15 there. Pretty soon, you will have enough money to pay for what you want. Desire List is a perfect app to stay financially disciplined for your goals. You can keep track of how much money you have saved, and how much more that is still needed.
The simplest way to get the technique news.
This app allows you to practice typing into your Android tablet or phone.
It has a built-in timer, so that you can measure your speed and accuracy.
It stores your best times, so that you can monitor your progress and see improvements in your speed and accuracy.
Also, you can use this app to quickly test the on-screen keyboard, or physical keyboard, on any Android device.
Pocket Budget is an application that helps you manage your money. It allows tracking of expense/income transactions for multiple budgets.
- Multiple budgets
- Expense/income tracking
- Fully customizable categories
- Transaction editor
- Customizable data filtering
- Budget reporting
- Simple UI
- Color themes
- Database backup / restore
- Export to CSV
QuickExpense is a great expense tracking application that easy to use and has beautiful widgets and UI.
It provides functionality features without limitation and faster way to manage your personal budget and financial statement.
Android Pro Widgets Key helps you to unlock all premium features including access to many themes.
This is a license key for the following products:
☆ Android Pro Widgets
☆ APW Google Reader
☆ Quick Event
Make sure your device has an installed one or more of above Apps
Official Book of Shadows for Droid!
The most easy and advanced Tip Calculator to calculate tips in restaurants.
Best T9 style input for Android and great for Handcent!
Add word button in abc
Tap and predict
Learns word prediction order
Next button
Full keyboard in landscape
If you have any trouble, please email. I'm excited to help!
swift smart better keyboard uber chompsms
Finanční kalkulačka je zjednodušená mzdová kalkulačka pro rok 2011. Uchazeči slouží k rychlému výpočtu čisté mzdy, podnikateli k výpočtu celkových mzdových nákladů na pracovní sílu.
Is your website in the top of search engine? Get this app and find out!
Lock your PC desktop when you gone away.