
Hubroid Hubroid v1.3.2

A GitHub client for Android using the GitHub API.


Gemini Live Logcat Gemini Live Logcat v1.1.1

Gemini Live Logcat, essential tool for Android development!

If you know what is logcat, then we have common language! :P

This app provide you a humane UI for logcat. Besides using add/edit/delete custom filter function, you can even add tag/pid filter by just tap log item. It can also exclude log msg with certain TAG/PID/Text. And you can enable/disable each log level separately instead of showing only higher level.


Andrino Andrino v1.1

Andrino is an interactive Javascript interpreter. Johnny can't program because the kids today cannot find a simple interactive programming environment to get started with. Andrino is my attempt to address this problem. It is a great way to practice beginning programming and Javascript. (Requires >= Android 1.6)


SQL Basic knowledge SQL Basic knowledge v1.5

This is a first SQL review from our series "Be smarter!". It is just beginning of your professional growing and skills in SQL world. Be smarter!


C Tutorials C Tutorials v1.0

Learn C language from C Tutorials. This app covers all topic for beginners to start and understand the concepts of C programming.


Usemon Usemon v4.02i

I have really missed graphs of system status from android. I wanted something like you have in task manager on windows, or widgets on my KDE desktop. When I found nothing like that, I decided to write one, here it is.

Usemon is a simple application for monitoring usage of system resources. It displays graphs of CPU, RAM, and network usage. No root needed. It is extremely lightweight, because it gets these data directly from the kernel. It can show statusbar notifications of these too.


C Word Identification C Word Identification v1.0

Check & verify your C (Programming Language) learning.


Aiuto ASM Aiuto ASM v3.2.1

Assembly 8080 programs and reference for students.


XmlTrans XmlTrans v0.1

A mobile translator application.


Oracle DB 11g Errors Oracle DB 11g Errors v1.0

This application helps you as a developer or administrator of Oracle ® Database 11g Release 1 find solutions of problems which you are faced with during your work. Each error message contains the message statement, an explanation of the probable causes and a recommended action.

More information about Oracle ® Database 11g Release 1 Error Messages you can find under hyperlink -


OpenIAB Unity Sample OpenIAB Unity Sample v1.0

Sample game with a shop


Material Color picker Material Color picker v1.0

Choose colors to build your Material Design theme in easy way.


JSONitor JSONitor v1.1

Monitor JSON fields, objects, or arrays for change using tasks and schedules.


Agent Retro Trial Agent Retro Trial v1.0.8

The simplest digital audio analyzer for scientific experiments


BroadcastMe BroadcastMe v0.9.1

Broadcast live multimedia streams from your Android devices to any server that supports RTMP publishing of H.264/AAC streams (Facebook, YouTube, Adobe Media Server, Wowza, Red5 or any other CDN or platform).


Progwhiz Hex Editor Trial Progwhiz Hex Editor Trial v67

Progwhiz Hex File Editor with powerful search and replace. Trial is Read Only.

To get the full version please goto :


TrivialDrive TrivialDrive v0.9.8.4

A simple application to demonstrate OpenIAB.


Command Kite Command Kite v1.1

Control your arduino over internet without Ethernet shield.


Html Link Extractor Html Link Extractor v1.0

Html Link Extractor is useful tool to analyze websites


Display Check Display Check v1.0.0

Have you ever wanted to see how small a pixel actually is? Or just perform a series of color tests to see the contrast and brightness values in different lighting conditions? This little user friendly app helps you assess the -quality of your display.
