Langenscheidt Basic-Wörterbuch Englisch contains 35,848 entries (140,000 references and translations).
•Both translation directions (German<->English)
•Audio pronunciation
•Look up translations from the home screen
•Learning tools: Word of the Day, Flash Cards
•Search English words by voice command
Langenscheidt Basic-Wörterbuch Französisch contains 38,515 entries (140,000 references and translations).
•Both translation directions (German<->French)
•Audio pronunciation
•Look up translations from the home screen
•Learning tools: Word of the Day, Flash Cards
•List of similarly spelt words
Langenscheidt Basic-Wörterbuch Italienisch contains 33,790 entries (140,000 references and translations).
•Both translation directions (German<->Italian)
•Audio pronunciation
•Look up translations from the home screen
•Learning tools: Word of the Day, Flash Cards
•List of similarly spelt words
Langenscheidt Basic-Wörterbuch Spanisch contains 39,453 entries (140,000 references and translations).
•Both translation directions (German<->Spanish)
•Audio pronunciation
•Look up translations from the home screen
•Learning tools: Word of the Day, Flash Cards
•List of similarly spelt words
Berlitz Basic Dictionary English<->Russian contains around 31,940 entries (120,000 references and translations). Dictionary database is powered by Berlitz Publishing.
•Audio pronunciations
•Search words by voice
•Look up translations from the home screen
•Learning tools:Word of the day,Flash Cards
•Translate words from any grammatical form
•List of similar words
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