PULPHOTEL is the best hotel search engine / price comparison application.
Need a place to stay but you're not the couch-surfing type? Pulphotel is the app that lets you Search for the perfect hotel wherever you're staying.
Compare prices and choose your check-in date, check-out date, guests, and rooms.
This app supports multiple currencies and languages including English, German, Spanish, Italian, and much more--making this the perfect app to take with you no matter your preferred language.
Pulphotel searches for all the available prices of virtually every hotel in the world. Just choose the hotel you want and the app will show you where you can book your stay at the lowest price. Save money and sleep well with Pulphotel on your Android device.
Main Features:
* All available price of any hotel you choose.
* It searchs in more than 150 travel agencies (booking, expedia...)
* Travellers' opinions
* Interactive hotel situation maps.
* Hotel pictures
* Hotel feature list, description...
* Light speed engine
...All in just 145 kb!