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spearor's applications

Memory Europe Memory Europe v1.03

Match the various capital cities of Europe while racing against the clock! Supported by orcherstral music, you earn points matching pairs of European capital city symbols.
Cities included: Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, Copenhagen, Oslo, Helsinki, Prague, Athens, Madrid, Rome, Vienna, Stockholm, Budapest, Bukarest and Brussels.


Memory Safari Memory Safari v1.09

Match the animals while racing against the clock! Featuring African drums music and fifteen different African animals. Earn points matching the pair of animals and get the highest score.

There are three different difficulty levels:

- Easy: 4 by 5 cards and 60 seconds to match them.
- Normal: 5 by 6 cards and 90 seconds to match them.
- Hard: 5 by 6 cards and 75 seconds to match them.


Woord Radar Woord Radar v1.32

Dit Nederlandstalige woord raad spel is gebaseerd op het bekende televisiespel Lingo. Aan de hand van vijf pogingen moet u een woord raden dat bestaat uit vijf of zes letters. Met behulp van de tekens weet u welke letters juist staan of nog niet op de juiste plek. Evenals het populaire spel WordFeud maakt Woord Radar gebruik van OpenTaal zodat u kan raden uit duizenden woorden. Alle woorden, inclusief leenwoorden uit andere talen, zijn dus afkomstig uit het Nederlands.


Words Radar Words Radar v1.4

This word guessing game is based on the popular GSN Game Show of Lingo! You have to guess the five or six letter word within five turns. The signs show if the word contains the letter and if it is in the right spot. You earn points depending on the amount of turns it took to guess the word and the difficulty level. It is possible to save your highest score online so you can beat thousands of other players!

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