A live wallpaper that downloads images from various boards of 4chan.org and displays them on your home screen. A new image is shown each time you return to your homescreen from another application.
You can also use the included widget to skip the current picture, prevent it from displaying again or download it (unless the thread 404'd already).
Warning: this application can consume a lot of your bandwitch sometimes.
When you want to play Texas Hold'em poker with friends and do not have cards, just take your mobile phone and pass it around. This app supports turn based multi-player according to standart Poker rules. Play your move and give the phone to the next person, until somebody wins.
Shows some interesting statistics about your SMS habits. The most frequent words used in your messages, the average length of your word, the sent/received ratio and more. Look at the screen shots below to get an idea. If you think this app could tell you more, leave a comment with the suggested idea. Internet permission is needed for advertising.