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My Dao My Dao v1.2

Tao Te Ching - the treatise containing an essence of doctrine Lao-tszy.
Lao-tszy - laid the foundation of Taoism living in China IV-V centuries BC


The keeper of clothes The keeper of clothes v1.1

When buying clothes, we always find it on labels, on which were written by manufacturers, material and country of manufacture, material and country of manufacture.


Мой Dao Мой Dao v1.2

Дао дэ дзин - трактат содержащий суть учения Лао-цзы.
Лао-цзы - основоположенник даосизма живший в Китае вIV-V вв. до н.э.


我 Dao 我 Dao v1.2

Tao Te Ching - the treatise containing an essence of doctrine Lao-tszy.
Lao-tszy - laid the foundation of Taoism living in China IV-V centuries BC

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