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BreonaMobile's applications

Autoservice Autoservice v1.2

Az Auto Service alkalmazás segítséget nyújt minden bajba jutott autós számára utazása során.

Bármilyen műszaki hiba, vagy baleset következtében az úton rekedt autós néhány gombnyomással képes autómentőt hívni, és kiválasztani a számára legmegfelelőbb szervízt.


BubbeeLite BubbeeLite v1.0

The game develops early age cognitive skills by playing. Recognition of colours, logical orders and concentration are the most important skills to be developed by the students.


Calendar Calendar v1.0

With this widget you can set a wall calendar on the home screen of Your device. It will also set the selected image for the current month automatically.


Esküvő Esküvő v1.0

Esküvő katalógus alkalmazás a nagy nap megtervezéséhez, megszervezéséhez.


InseriesLite InseriesLite v1.0

The game develops early age cognitive skills by playing. It is ideal to develop early logical skills, recognition of forms and shapes, and to train concentration.
Object of the game is that first the kids identify the rule(s) of the game and then complete the puzzle. Kids must observe various particularities, orders and rules. Having found the rules, the bewildered elements will have to be placed in order. In order to complete the program side icons must be placed in the central tablet.

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