The general drill with Andrino is that you type something into the box at the bottom of the screen, and Andrino will respond. What you type and Andrino's responses are all entered into the interaction view above.

  • If you enter Javascript commands such as "a=5", then Andrino will evaluate the command and print a result. Try that now and see what happens.
  • Andrino remembers what you typed earlier and will give that due consideration in its evaluation efforts. So for example, if you now enter "b = a + 10" Andrino will respond "15.0" because it remembers the prior value of a
  • You can also enter function definitions and use them later. So for example, if you enter "function f(x) {return x*10}" and then later enter "f(5)" Andrino will respond "50.0"
  • Your expressions will eventually outgrow the small text entry box. When that happens, be sure to click the "Edit" button below, to make use of a full screen text editor.
  • If you click on any of the entries in the interaction view that entry will be copied into the full screen editor for your convenience. You may find this useful for correcting errors in large expressions.


Andrino is a simple tool that will enable you to do some simple things. It is however, limited in the following ways:

  • There is presently no capacity to save or retrieve files.
  • It only knows Javascript, but nothing about HTML or DOM models.
  • The text editor is a simple and humble thing. No line numbers, syntax checking, auto completion or anything fancy.

This is great!

I have been wondering about this exact same problem. I want my 12 year old to do more than just play games. Perhaps we'll go on a long road trip with nothing to do except practice Javascript on my phone. Thanks for the effort.