
Mots anglais Mots anglais v1.4

Voulez-vous enrichir votre vocabulaire ? Essayez notre jeu éducatif «Mots anglais» qui vous permettra de remémorer à un court délai plus de 5000 mots les plus d'usage. L’application réunit l’approche scientifique à l’éducation et la technique de jeu ce qui assure la mémorisation efficace des paroles étrangères.


Englische Wörter Englische Wörter v1.4

Du lernst Englisch und willst deinen Wortschatz erweitern? Versuch "Englishe Words", ein Bildungsspiel mit dem du bis zu 5000 gebräuchliche Worte auf Englisch lernen kannst. "Englishe Words" ist eine Verbindung aus wissenschaftlichen Lernmethoden und Videospieleigenschaften für effektives Lernen. Also los! Hab Spaß und lern spielerisch Englisch!


Angielskie słowa Angielskie słowa v1.4

Spróbuj grę udukacyjną "Angielskie słowa", która pozwala zapamiętać do 5.000 najczęściej używanych słów w języku angielskim. Gra "Angielskie słowa" z powodzeniem łączy w sobie naukowe podejście do nauczania i dobrą zabawę dla skutecznego uczenia się języków obcych.


Memory Languages Memory Languages v1.1

Memory Languages ​​is a game based on memory, to learn vocabulary in a foreign language. Three languages available : English, French, Spanish.


Hiragana Scholar Lite Hiragana Scholar Lite v3.2

Start learning how to read and write Japanese with Hiragana Scholar. This fun, interactive and educational app will not only help you recognize each Hiragana character, it will teach you how to write and pronounce them too.


Katakana Scholar Lite Katakana Scholar Lite v3.2

The characters are dived into manageable lessons, each lesson includes interactive animations that break down the process of writing a character, perfect if you are new to Katakana!


Испанские слова Испанские слова v1.5

Вы изучаете испанский язык и хотите расширить свой словарный запас? Попробуйте нашу обучающую игру "Испанские слова", которая позволяет быстро запомнить 5000 наиболее употребляемых слов в испанском языке.


IELTS Vocabulary IELTS Vocabulary v2.2.151



Spanish 4 Kids Spanish 4 Kids v225

Spanish for kids is a program for children to learn Spanish language vocabulary so simple and intuitive. Kids just have to go through the finger pictures that come out, besides the text description in Ingés of photography will be taught the pronunciation of the word in Spanish.


English Cards English Cards v78

Learn English for free through graphics cards with vocabulary, find the words in English that the game says.
Thanks to this application to learn English, learn it as a game. This application is valid for adults and children with different levels also are updated the screens so you always have to learn new words.

This application serves to improve educational and learning advanced English vocabulary

to be reviewed (publié)


Японско-русский словарь иероглифов и слов. Основан на рукописном вводе иероглифов, также можно искать по элементам, он- или кун-чтению или значению.

Для каждого иероглифа выводятся чтения, варианты перевода, примеры использования, правильное начертание и произношение.

ЯРКСИ содержит также словарь составных слов. Поиск по чтению или значению.

30 дней бесплатно, потом база данных ограничивается списком "Школьные кандзи".


German widget German widget v1.04

Scientific research shows that You look at Your smartphone 150 times a day. Add our widget to Your screen and repeat German words every time You look at it. Choose German words from different categories: travel, family, school and others or add Your own words...and learn.
This German language learning widget can be great for those who learn German at school, language course or those learning by themselves. Every word has its english translation, and German phrase which will help You to learn.


Spanish Words Spanish Words v1.14.1

Are you learning Spanish language and want to expand your vocabulary? Try "Easy Spanish", an educational game for learning 5,000 most frequent words in Spanish language. "Easy Spanish" successfully combines scientific methods and video game mechanics for effective language learning. So come have some fun and learn some Spanish!


Hangman - Basic Hangman - Basic v28

A game for both learners of the English language and for native English Speakers. This game of Hangman contains over 17 different topics. Also, includes a button that uses the google translate application to translate the word into the users language.

This is the basic version. it has two in game adds. The full version contains over 18 topics, over 600 words and will be updated regularly with new topics and words.
