Is your wallpaper boring? You are afraid to search and download new wallpapers? Look no further, because you are at the right place. Ultimate Wallpaper Changer does exactly what you are looking for: automatically downloads new wallpapers from all over the internet and sets it for you.
Take command of your Android device's touchpad keypad with a Perfect and smart Keyboard. You can customize the look of the keyboard with. Eight different themes and add additional functionality to your device. Perfect Keyboard lets you use custom dictionaries, control background and text colors, and adjust the keyboard's vibration density. In short, Perfect Keyboard allows you to setup your Android phone or tablet's touchpad keyboard so that it works best for you.
Crazy Home is a new home screen replacement for your Android phone with OS 1.6 and higher.
An integrated multiple calendars and contacts solution for Android, PCs, the web, other smartphones. Share calendars and contacts lists with anyone. Create groups with which you share calendar events and contacts, and updates sync automatically throughout the group. The multiple views, color-coding and smooth scrolling and swiping make ClearSync not only practical but elegant. Sync Clear with ClearSync. This version does not include ads.
The Finding Lost series is quite simply the best Lost resource for fans.