สะกดผิด แอพพลิเคชั่น ตอบปัญหาภาษาไทย มี 6 levels 90 คำศัพท์ที่มักเขียนผิด และ 1 review levels ช่วยให้จดจำคำศัพท์ในภาษาไทยได้ง่ายและรวดเร็วขึ้น
At last a different roulette game where the casino never wins! In fact, the casino doesn't even play!
The uniqueness of our multiplayer roulette game lies in the fact that you can play against other players, online through the Internet, exactly as you would in a normal casino, but you do not bid against the house but against the other players!
Seems interesting? Why don't you try it yourself? The game is played with no real money, only with free chips so there is no risk at all!
Write my Name ABC guides your child into writing his first words.
With Healee you can easily manage your own personal health records, look up drug information, check for drug/allergy interactions, store your lab results and get medication reminders. Use our free symptom checker to find common symptoms and common causes for your symptoms. Running various reports on your health data and sharing them securely and anonymously with a professional physician has never been easier.
Name and Match takes the classical memory game to a whole new level.
Control your Drone, survive, upgrade and save humanity! Completely free-to-play!
Incredibly Challenging and Addictive!
Magzter, the world’s fastest growing digital magazine store now introduces BOOKS! We are now "Magzter – Magazine & Book Store".
Magzter is everything you ever wanted from digital reading.
Magzter 3.0 series of updates bring a completely stylized and stable app with a host of new features.
You memefanatic can’t miss the Modface. The app that is going to make your photomontages easier and faster.
It is simple and fast: take a picture, the app is going to recognize people’s faces and automatically substitute their faces with one of the many memes available.
Will you unlock sparkles? Smash your way to it in this addictive game!
Great bubble popping and bug smashing game! Geared towards kids, but fun for all ages!
Z-Machine for playing interactive fiction games.
Our friend is struggling with the famous game of Tic Tac Toe.
Help him to challenge his opponents, but be careful the friends of our protagonist might bark or meow etc.
"Uh! la peppa ! "what a fantastic game.
One ball to bounce them all. Challenging action puzzler with 50 levels.
Bucket List Buddy will turn your mobile device into the ultimate bucket list.
[FREE][GAME] The Belt 3d models use in this excellent new space asteroid shootemup game
myBook is a personal organizer application targeted for the busy mobile tablet user to coordinate events, contacts, tasks and notes with ease. The myBook app conveniently groups these tools in one application to allow a user to maximize organization, interoperability and efficiency.
'Word Puzzle' meets 'Logic Puzzle', a word game for word puzzle enthusiasts!
Beautiful graphics, realistic physics and highly polished gameplay – it’s all about the Ball Voyage!