
Chinese-English Idiom Story Chinese-English Idiom Story v1.1.7

Chinese-English Idiom Story
If you like Chinese idioms, you cannot ignore this eBook, it provides 25 Chinese idioms with English translation.



Chinese Prophecy Chinese Prophecy v1.1.2

Please be informed this application includes Ads SDK, which needs to create shortcuts permission.

Chinese Prophecy

Tui bei tu (in Simplified: 推背图; Traditional: 推背圖.


Chinese Folklore Tales Chinese Folklore Tales v1.0

Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism have been major influences on Chinese folklore tales.


Chinese Business Etiquette and Culture Chinese Business Etiquette and Culture v1.0

This book introduces the basics of Chinese culture. You will discover how to initiate contact, what to expect in meetings, and how to behave there.


Childfree and Loving It! Childfree and Loving It! v1.0

Childfree and Loving It! is a broad and definitive exploration of non-parenthood.


Childe Harolds Pilgrimage Childe Harolds Pilgrimage v1.0

Childe Harold's Pilgrimage was the poem which brought Lord Byron public recognition.


Chess Book Study (Free) Chess Book Study (Free) v2.1.1

The most effective way to study a Chess book is to move the pieces around on a board, and this is exactly what this app helps you achieve.
Open a Chess ebook and a board in the same screen.
Don't just read your book; study it the right way!

Ideal for Large screen phones and Tablets.


CheatingParter Playbook CheatingParter Playbook v1.0

An extensive guide on how to find out if your partner is cheating on you. over 50 pages on information developed to help you.


Charlotte Temple Charlotte Temple v1.0

Susanna Rowson's Charlotte Temple became a huge seller in America from its first publication there in 1794, subsequently going through over two hundred editions.


Character Building Thought Power Character Building Thought Power v1.0

UNCONSCIOUSLY we are forming habits every moment of our lives. Some are habits of a desirable nature; some are those of a most undesirable nature.


Chapters on Socialism Chapters on Socialism v1.0

It was in the year 1869 that impressed with the degree in which, even during the last twenty years, when the world seemed wholly occupied with other matters.


Changing the Course of Autism: A Scientific Approach for Parents and Physicians Changing the Course of Autism: A Scientific Approach for Parents and Physicians v1.0

A once rare disease, autism is now a worldwide epidemic affecting half a million American children.


Chameleons Colors: Carnival of Illusion Series Chameleons Colors: Carnival of Illusion Series v1.0

Ever since she stumbled into her father’s lab and drank a cocktail of his experiments.


Certain Success Certain Success v1.0

There are particular characteristics one can have, and particular things one can do, that will make failure in life certain.


Celtic Fairy Tales Celtic Fairy Tales v1.0

The success of a fairy book, I am convinced, depends on the due admixture of the comic and the romantic: Grimm and Asbjörnsen knew this secret, and they alone.


Cecilian Vespers Cecilian Vespers v1.0

Lawyer and bluesman Monty Collins is used to defending murderers.


CBDReader CBDReader v1.5

Download the free CBDReader to read eBooks purchased from


Cataclysm Cataclysm v1.1

Read, Choose, Survive!

A short book where you can decide your destination. Your life in your hands and you should make right decisions. Try to learn something and use it. Everything can be useful if cataclysm happens.
Two languages: English and Russian.
This is book-game.


Carnevale Maschere e Ricette Carnevale Maschere e Ricette v1.4

Il Carnevale è alle porte!
Sapete tutto sulle maschere e sulle ricette tipiche di questo periodo?
Racconta ai tuoi bambini chi sono Pulcinella, Arlecchino, Colombina, Pantalone e le altre meravigliose le maschere della tradizione italiana.
Le ricette delle frappe, chiacchiere, delle graffe napoletane, del saguinaccio e delle gustose castagnole.


Captains Courageous: A Story of the Grand Banks Captains Courageous: A Story of the Grand Banks v1.0

Rudyard Kipling's 1897 novel Captains Courageous follows the adventures and subsequent growth.
