Childfree and Loving It! Childfree and Loving It! v1.0

Download Childfree and Loving It!

Childfree and Loving It! is a broad and definitive exploration of non-parenthood, challenging the myths of parenthood and boldly proclaiming the joys of a childfree life. ‘The responsibility of parenthood is overwhelming and incredibly stressful. And it’s for life. Don’t give up a pleasant life for a life of unpaid drudgery. Your standard of living drastically declines, and the kids take off as soon as they can, without a backward glance.’


Parental rating: 
Not rated
Default language: 
Supported languages: 
Childfree and Loving It!


Minimum Android version: 
Android 1.6
Requires features: 
Screen portrait, Touchscreen
Requires permissions: 
Internet, Set wallpaper

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