Drive with your wrecking truck, demolish buildings and destroy the statuette!
Discover the BEST Malaysian traditional board game; Dam Haji on your Android devices now!
Dam Haji is a two-player traditional board game and one of the Checkers variations. The promoted piece is known as "Haji" in this game (hence the name of the game).
Magzter, the world’s fastest growing digital magazine store now introduces BOOKS! We are now "Magzter – Magazine & Book Store".
Magzter is everything you ever wanted from digital reading.
Magzter 3.0 series of updates bring a completely stylized and stable app with a host of new features.
A perfect, user-friendly application designed for turning your tablet or phone to run “only your selected application” for a selected period of time.
Your everyday device is now a game-boy for your kid, or it can be an entertainment tool for your travel companion. You can Securely Share your device with your children or others.
Our friend is struggling with the famous game of Tic Tac Toe.
Help him to challenge his opponents, but be careful the friends of our protagonist might bark or meow etc.
"Uh! la peppa ! "what a fantastic game.
Leap Monkey is a fun, simple, and addicting game for all ages. Simply tap the side of the screen that you wish the monkey to leap to in order to successfully jump to the next branch as you climb up the tree. Try to get a high score and beat your friends!
Recent brings all of recently accessed applications, photos, and downloads to your fingertips with a handy and user-friendly radial menu.
If you have a preschooler just starting to learn shapes and colors, this is the perfect app for you! 12 clever and colorful puzzles will delight, entertain and educate your young boys and girls as they learn to identify basic shapes and colors. Circles, rectangles, octagons, triangles and stars- this app has it all!
Fantastic 4 In A Row has never been so much fun!
Social Network and Messenger All-In-One App with City-RADAR to find nice people and locations (restaurants, companies etc.) at any place in the world...20 languages supported.....non-commercal project - but admin-moderated and controlled to avoid any abuse in any way.
"Fantastic Checkers 2" take our super popular checkers game.
Seeking his fortune, a teddy bear winds up swabbing decks on a pirate ship.
Strawberry Quest is a fun, colorful, and fruity puzzle game for everyone including family and kids!
Manage all your wishes with Wish l!st.
Wish l!st allows you to manage all the items you want to buy in the future by adding them to your wishlist.
- Manage items in your wishlist
- Stores relative information like price, priority and comments
- Add pictures to your items
- Purchased history
- Quick item overview
- Sorting by category, title or priority
- Customizable categories list
- Subtotals
- Share gift ideas with your friends
Guide the spaceships back to the mothership while avoiding any collisions.
A+ Major System helps you to boost your memory for remembering any numbers - including very long numbers - by using the powerful and proven technique called "Major System" (also called "mnemonic major system"). Amazing memory feats can be achieved once you have mastered the Major System.
This app is one of the best Major System apps available on the Android platform today.
This is an action+casual game with an amazing graphics and animation work. Unique power-ups has made this game worth playing. A complete stress buster and time killing app
Make a beautiful collage with photos of a day, quickly and easily.
No need to trim your pictures. This app automatically arranges and redimensions pictures for best fit.
You had a great day, took many pictures ... and now you want to keep a nice "summary image" and share it with your friends. Simply start DayInPics and you will see todays pictures on the screen of your phone (or tablet). Then select the ones you want to appear in the collage, set a title and ready!
123Greetings, the world’s largest online destination for free ecards, greetings and wishes, brings you the most comprehensive birthday and anniversary calendar, reminder and ecards app.
Slots- Is the latest game addition to our gaming network.
The game is at the simplest of Slots for people of all ages to learn/play/enjoy while there are hidden goodies to make
the score skyrocket and boast about it at Facebook.
-Free to play
-Share scores with Friends on Facebook
-Regular updates and competitions in the community
-Learning Slots
-Run on all Android platform 2.3 and above
-Lightest application download from the App Store