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With URLy you can shorten long URLs (with bit.ly, goo.gl, TinyURL, 40 more), upload (Yfrog, Imageshack, FileSocial and more) and post the URL and a message to Twitter or forward it to other apps like Facebook, Buzz, SMS, Mail, etc. See blog for details.
At jQuery Reference Pro you will find complete reference of all jQuery objects and methods, along with examples.
At jQuery Reference you will find complete reference of all jQuery objects and methods, along with examples.
First published in 1920, The Planet Mars and Its Inhabitants.
First published in 1905, A Thief in the Night is the third collection of stories.
First published in 1901, The Black Mask is the second collection of stories.
The Little White Bird is a series of short episodes, narratives.
Scottish writer J M Barrie wrote both a play and a novel about the boy Peter Pan.
Sweeping changes have hit the financial services industry at the same time.
OVERQUALIFIED's cover letters are like a slap in the face, butthe slap is hilarious.
Over the past decade, the magic of J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter series has spread across the globe.
First published in 1909, A Thief in the Night is the first novel detailing the exploits and intrigues of gentleman thief A. J. Raffles in late Victorian England.
First published in 1899, The Amateur Cracksman was the first collection of stories detailing the exploits and intrigues of gentleman thief A. J. Raffles in late Victorian England.
J M Barrie's most famous character, Peter Pan, originated in a whimsical story from his book The Little White Bird.
As Captain L. J. Bohanin heads for California to enjoy his retirement from the 10th Cavalry he becomes immersed in a mystery.
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Yoga for Life helps you to learn and practice yoga for improved health and lifestyle. Yoga for Life has a talking tutor, almanac of activities with favorites and history, routines, scheduler, log, planner and much more to achieve a healthy lifestyle.
Yoga for Life helps you to learn and practice yoga for improved health and lifestyle. Yoga for Life has a talking tutor, almanac of activities with favorites and history, routines, scheduler, log, planner and much more to achieve a healthy lifestyle.
Hypnosis for weight control helps you boost your unconscious determination and resolve back to those initial compelling levels, where you feel confident that you can achieve your weight goal.