Grades2Go Mobile for Android is a companion app for Grades2Go Desktop, the first data platform designed specifically for teachers. Full info is available at
Much more than a gradebook, Grades2Go has extensive commenting, journaling, PDF reporting, and automated communication capabilities. With teachers under pressure for more accountability and results, Grades2Go is an indispensable professional tool.
The ultimate minesweeper experience, boasting an array of features that no other application even comes close to:
- a practically infinite playing board;
- pinch to zoom;
- fling scrolling;
- a powerup system;
- a progressive difficulty;
- save games - you have a game slot that automatically saves one game;
- a market - where you can buy all kinds of powerups, using our virtual currency;
- tablet optimizations.
Never again forget to your friend your birthday wishes by using Birthday Greeter
Famous internet game ported to Android
Touch and hold the red square. Move it so that you neither touch the walls nor get hit by any of the blue blocks.
Amazingly powerful cooking app that features recipes for Mexican food. The recipes are searchable by name and searchable by ingredient, allowing you to build an exciting menu around the food items that you have on hand. This app also features a built in notepad that allows you to create a shopping list or even store your own recipes.
Avec l'arrivée de Free Mobile sur le marché de la téléphonie mobile, la concurence change également ses tarifs.
Alors si vous souhaitez quitter votre opérateur, que ce soit Bouygues Telecom, Orange, SFR, Free Mobile ou un autre, cette application est faite pour vous.
Cool Cajun recipes and Creole recipes from Louisiana - categorized and searchable.
Amazingly easy to use cooking app that features recipes for grilled, baked and smoked salmon, casseroles, appetizers, soups and salads. The recipes are searchable by name and searchable by ingredient, allowing you to build an exciting menu around the food items that you have on hand. This app also features a built in notepad that allows you to create a shopping list or even store your own recipes.
Cette application regroupe l'ensemble des organismes destinataires et centres payeurs référencés sur le site internet SESAM VITALE
Best Archery Shooting Game.
Enjoy & have fun with our Archery Game which is aimed to give best Archery shooting experience to all our users.
This game is developed using Open GLES, so be sure of optimal battery performance but yet a very smooth shooting game experience.
Doodle Rocket Blastoff is a doodle styled game where you have fun piloting a space rocket. Collect stars, evade aliens, and much more as you try to get the highest score. Its simple, fun and engaging.
Currency calculator, that uses live updated exchangerates
Gas Attack is a classic shoot-em-up arcade game for Android with a twist...
The planet is warming and the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are increasing. The methane in cow burps and farts is said to cause more global warming than cars.
Aplikasi Info Bandung adalah aplikasi sederhana yang berisi daftar kicauan Twitter milik akun @infobdg atau All About Bandung. Aplikasi ini memuat beberapa topik kicauan yang menjadi tanda kicauan informasi dari All About Bandung, yaitu #cuacaBDG, #eventBDG , #infobdg, #lalinBDG, dan #SimKelilingBdg . Selain itu, aplikasi ini juga memberikan umpan informasi dari situs berita yang berhubungan dengan Bandung dan menyajikan ke dalam daftar berita yang dapat diakses langsung pengguna.
Record tasks or just make text notes, add tags, due date and repeating. Widget for quick recording.
Keeping track of multiple land based bingo hall paper cards purchases is possible with this software. Not a game.
Aplikasi Kalkulator Sehat adalah aplikasi yang membantu anda dalam menghitung konsumsi air minum per hari, berat badan ideal berdasarkan Body Mass Index dan rumus J.B Devine, dan menghitung tinggi ideal anda. Hasil penghitungan dapat disimpan dan dapat dilihat kembali pada menu Riwayat.
For the first time ever, an App that will keep you updated for all the latest news for the antipolo stake youth.
Suggest, Comment, Report and Interact!
Aplikasi Jajan Pasar adalah aplikasi sederhana yang berisi aneka resep makanan ringan yang sering dijumpai di pasar tradisional atau pedagang makanan keliling. Aplikasi ini berisi 60 resep makanan tradisional yang dapat dibuat dengan mudah karena bahan-bahannya mudah ditemui di toko bahan makanan.