Unlike most parking games, Total Parking uses real-world Ackermann steering geometry for turning, and is incredibly physics accurate- down to vehicle collision, mass, drag and inertia. The end result is a realistic parking experience.
With four Vehicles - Coupe, Limo, Heavy Truck, and Pickup Truck, spread over 48 levels of increasing complexity and frenzy, Total Parking will test your parking skills.
Other Features:
* Tilt and Touch controls for turning
* 3D HUD and smooth user interface
* An Immersive 3D environment
* Snappy Loading after the initial boot up of the game
* Integrated tutorial
* Achievements ( Can you be a Parking King? or get into the 7 Mile Club ? And many more )
More chapters and vehicles coming soon ( School Bus, or an Auto rickshaw, or a Car Trailer)
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Great app, would highly recommend it!
Great app, would highly recommend it!
Good app, great value.
Great app, would highly recommend it!