Spanish Italian Dictionary FREE Spanish Italian Dictionary FREE v2.1.1

Download Spanish Italian Dictionary FREE

Spanish-Italian and Italian-Spanish Dictionary
Diccionario Español-Italiano e Italiano-Español
Dizionario Spagnolo-Italiano e Italiano-Spagnolo

* More than 77.000 words
* Bookmark your favorite translations for fast reference
* Works offline --> No internet connection needed, perfect for your trips or when no data connection is available
* Listen to the correct pronunciation in Spanish and Italian using Android's built-in Text-to-speech synthesizer.
* Share translations by SMS, email, etc.
* Optimized for Android ICS


Q: How can I share a translation?
A: Just press 2-3 seconds over the translation and you will be presented with a menu with all available sharing options based on the apps installed in your device (Email, SMS, Facebook, etc)

Q: How can I change the speed of the voice?
A: The speed of the speech is controlled by the TTS engine installed with Android. It can be set up by going to:
Settings --> Voice input & output settings --> Text to speech settings --> speech rate

Q: I don't like the voice. How can I improve it?
A: The default text-to-speech engine installed with Android is Pico TTS, it’s pretty simple and sometimes may sound a bit electronic. You can always install alternatives like eSpeak, SVox or IVONA from Google Play. Please check our blog post about this subject:

Q: How can I change the speech language?
A: Just go to Menu --> Settings and select the language. Currently, 2 languages are available:
* Spanish
* Italian

The text-to-speech (TTS) technology may not be available in some devices. To check if your phone is able of speech synthesis: Menu -> Settings -> Voice input & output -> Text-to-speech settings.
If not installed, your device may ask you to install the TTS engine. An internet connection may be required. We recommend installing it before traveling as roaming data tariffs may be very expensive.


Parental rating: 
Everyone (age 6 and over)
Default language: 
Supported languages: 
Spanish, Italian
Trial version: 
"In-App" billing: 
With advertisements: 
Spanish Italian Dictionary FREE
Spanish Italian Dictionary FREE
Spanish Italian Dictionary FREE
Spanish Italian Dictionary FREE


Requires Google Play and/or account: 
Requires third-party libraries: 
Requires 'rooted' device: 
Target Android version: 
Android 4.0
Minimum Android version: 
Android 1.6
Minimum screen width: 
240 dpx
Requires features: 
Requires permissions: 
Internet, Access network state

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