MorseCoder MorseCoder v1.1.5

Download MorseCoder

This is a fun morse encoder/decoder application. you can convert any text to morse code, hear the morse code, FEEL the morse code and send it to your friends. You can also explore you sms inbox and convert any sms morse code into normal text. It is also possible to use this free application as a morse code trainer. Following things are possible:
1. convert text to morse code
2. send the converted morse code to a friend via sms
3. if there is a sms morse code from a friend, convert it to a normal message
4. vibrate your phone according to the morse code
5. create a morse-code dit-dah tone and play it
6. morse code self training
7. SMS inbox quick explorer
8. change the play/vibrate speed (menu->settings)
9. stop an onging play
10. Save a morse-code sound to sd card
11. Replay a saved sound and DECODE it
12. facebook wall post


Parental rating: 
Not rated
Default language: 


Minimum Android version: 
Android 1.6
Minimum screen width: 
240 dpx
Requires features: 
Location, Location network, Screen portrait, Telephony, Touchscreen
Requires permissions: 
Access coarse location, Access network state, Internet, Read sms, Send sms, Vibrate, Write external storage

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