Medical Abbreviations Medical Abbreviations v1.0

Download Medical Abbreviations

Medical Abbreviations provides simple, fast and convenient access to more than 18000 medical abbreviations at your fingertips.
Easily search the abbreviations and definitions and see the search results as you type.
Browse the abbreviations by sliding your finger along the convenient index.
The definition of each abbreviation is shown below the abbreviations at all times.

* Contains around 18000 abbreviations.
* View details on Wikipedia or Google search.
* Add to the favorites
* Search is very easy & quick
* Index makes you to browse easily.


Parental rating: 
Not rated
Default language: 
Medical Abbreviations
Medical Abbreviations
Medical Abbreviations
Medical Abbreviations
Medical Abbreviations


Target Android version: 
Android 2.1
Minimum Android version: 
Android 1.5
Minimum screen width: 
240 dpx
Requires features: 
Location, Location gps, Location network, Touchscreen
Requires permissions: 
Access coarse location, Access fine location, Battery stats, Internet, Modify audio settings, Read contacts, Set orientation, Vibrate, Wake lock, Write contacts, Write external storage

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