ICS+ Launcher Unlock Key ICS+ Launcher Unlock Key v1.4.0.0

Download ICS+ Launcher Unlock Key


This is a key to unlock ICS Launcher Plus features. You must have ICS Launcher installed to use this key and unlock the plus features. ICS Launcher is a free app and is a quick download. Just search for ICS Launcher.

If you are updating this app please read! Due to recent changes, there is only one launcher and an unlock key. As this app used to be a launcher by itself, it is now only a key! You must install ICS Launcher in order to continue using the launcher. We are very sorry for this quick and sudden change but it fixes many problems. Such as "duplicate provider authority" and Force Closes in the launcher settings as well as throughout the launcher.

If you need help, be sure to contact us at support@syndicateapps.com

What do you get with ICS+?

★Extra features and tweaks that free users can't access
★Text color tweaks
★Font Size Tweaks
★Battery Tweaks
★The ability to change the Launcher Status bar text color
★Change the Battery Indicator Type
★No Ads or search shortcuts
★More control over the launcher and its actions

What is planned for future updates?

★Advanced Transtiotion
★UI Render Effects
★Menu Button Binding
★Full Text Adjustment

Quick Tips and Help

★If you are confused about were the launcher went contact us ASAP!
★This is now a key! You need ICS Launcher to continue using
★To access launcher and system settings, click menu.
★This Key must be installed to continue using ICS+ features
★If your ICS+ features do not unlock, contact us by email or visit our website.

Important Information

ICS Launcher is designed to replace your Stock Launcher. It can be undone by going to settings, applications, manage, ICS Launcher, Clear Defaults.
This app will work with root and custom roms.
If you have any questions or comments, please send us an email or visit our website. We will get back to you as soon as possible


Parental rating: 
Everyone (age 6 and over)
Default language: 
Trial version: 
"In-App" billing: 
With advertisements: 
ICS+ Launcher Unlock Key
ICS+ Launcher Unlock Key
ICS+ Launcher Unlock Key


Requires Google Play and/or account: 
Requires third-party libraries: 
Requires 'rooted' device: 
Minimum Android version: 
Android 2.1
Minimum screen width: 
240 dpx
Requires features: 

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