The goal of this game is to solve state machine between round pulsating thingy and filled square, so that a laser beam can travel from round pulsating thingy to filled square and clear it - eh wait, what?!
This game is hard to understand admittedly, here are some of the things people have said while playing this game:
"What is happening? How did I finish this level?!?" - Friend.
"I feel stupid." - Another friend.
"You should add birds to this game!" - Yet another friend.
However after playing some time they had this to say:
"I think I got it! Wait... no." - Slightly agitated friend.
"Yeeaah, I stopped playing a while ago - got distracted by weather channel." - A friend suddenly very interested in latest weather.
"Your robot phone game is the best!!! Why do you look so skinny?" - My mom and granny while trying to unlock phone.
Notice - This game has been proven to increase productivity of boring meetings.
How to play:
1) Tap the round pulsating thingy.
2) Reach the square thingy.
3) Pay attention to colors.