Listen to music from Bosnia and Herzegovina,Croatia and Serbia. Balkan iRadio features over 200+ shoutcast radio channels.Simple switch to any channel you want.You need internet connection for the app to work!When you click on a station you need to wait 0-2 min. for the station to load. (Depends on the internet connection and bit rate of the station)
*This is a ad supported app.
Slušajte muziku iz Bosne i Hercegovine, Hrvatske i Srbije. Balkan iRadio sadrži 200+ shotcast radio stanica.Jednostavna navigacija i biranje željene radio stanice. Da bi aplikacija radila potrebna Vam je internet konekcija.Kada odaberete radio stranicu trebate pričekati od 0-2 min. da se učita.(Zavisi od brzine interneta i bi rate-a radio stanice)