Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Alice's Adventures in Wonderland v1.0

Download Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Menu Options:

Content - This menu options allows the reader to see the table of contents and traverse to various part of the ebook quickly. When you choose this menu option, the app automatically saves your current position as the last stopping point (see "Last Read" Menu Option). This menu option is unavailable on ebooks that does not have a table of contents.

Last Read - When you close the ebook app, it remembers your last stopping point. Next time you open the ebook, you can use the "Last Read" menu option to go to your stopping point quickly.

Go To - This option allows you to go to a bookmark that you have previously set. If you have never set a bookmark, it goes to the beginning of the ebook. When you choose this menu option, the app automatically saves your current position as the last stopping point (see "Last Read" Menu Option).

Bookmark - This menu option places a marker anywhere in ebook. You can go back to this position in the ebook by activating the "Go To" menu option (see "Go To" Menu Option).

Inverse Color - The ebook app defaults to black text on white background. In dark environments, you can inverse the color to white text on black background to avoid disturbing other people. The app remembers your choice. Next time the ebook app is opened, it loads the ebook, then changes the color to your choice.

More - Lets you see additional menu options.

Gallery - Launches the Android Browser to display the gallery images for this ebook on our Facebook page.

Community - Launches the Android Browser for our Facebook page.

Share - Tell your friends about the ebook that you are reading.

About - Shows the about dialog box for the particular ebook app you are running. From this dialog box, you can see our other apps and visit our web site.

Quit - Shuts down this app completely.


Parental rating: 
Everyone (age 6 and over)
Default language: 
With advertisements: 
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland


Target Android version: 
Android 3.0
Minimum Android version: 
Android 1.5
Requires features: 
Requires permissions: 

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Reviews of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Great app, would highly recommend it!

Great app, would highly recommend it!

Great app, would highly recommend it!

Great app, would highly recommend it!

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