The Sirens of Titan was perhaps the novel that began the Vonnegut phenomenon with readers.
Educational leaders are seeing with increasing clearness the necessity of teaching students.
Ragged Dick was contributed as a serial story to the pages of the Schoolmate.
The dictionaries define the word aura as: Any subtle, invisible emanation or exhalation.
The Awakening (1899) appears in this collection of short stories.
Philosopher George Santayana published The Life of Reason in five volumes between 1905 and 1906.
Considering that we have to spend the whole of our lives in this human machine.
The aim of literary study is not to amuse the hours of leisure.
The mind can only be conquered by regular meditation, by deciding beforehand.
The foundation of all true knowledge of God must be a clear mental apprehension.
Wrong thinking produces inharmony in our body, which in turn produces sickness.
Herbert Spencer was an English philosopher and prominent social theorist of the Victorian era.
Herbert Spencer was an English philosopher, prominent classical liberal political theorist.
An education is likely to take the dramatist a great deal of time.
The great difference between telling and reading is that the teller is free; the reader is bound.
The mind is one thing - a unit. All the various faculties act together constantly.
In India, the Candidates for Initiation into the science of Raja Yoga.
The Yogi Philosophy may be divided into several great branches, or fields.
The String of Pearls is the first installment of the Sweeney Todd penny part serial.
The social philosopher Richard B. Gregg is credited with coining the term voluntary simplicity.