Vathek is one of the earliest and most influential Gothic novels.
Aphra Behn was one of the first professional English female writers.
Filipino national hero Jose Rizal wrote The Social Cancer in Berlin in 1887.
Songs of Innocence and of Experience compiles two contrasting but directly related books.
Sonnets from the Portuguese is the collection of love poems written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
Browning's dramatic poem The Ring and the Book narrates the trial of a Roman for the death.
Though Frances Burney's novels significantly influenced writers such as Jane Austen.
Evelina is the daughter of an English aristocrat, but is brought up in the country.
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage was the poem which brought Lord Byron public recognition.
In his satiric poem Don Juan, Lord Byron refigures the legend as a man easily seduced by women.
The Shadow Line is a novella by Joseph Conrad. A young man becomes captain of a ship in the Orient
The Deerslayer is the last book in Cooper's Leatherstocking Tales pentalogy.
The Last of the Mohicans is the second book in Cooper's Leatherstocking Tales pentalogy.
Pierre Corneille's tragicomedy Le Cid is based on the legend of the same name.
Maggie: A Girl of the Streets is a novella by American author Stephen Crane.
Father Goriot is one of French novelist Honore de Balzac's most important pieces of writing.
Honoré de Balzac's renowned Lost Illusions consists of two volumes.
Life is a Dream is a play about free will and fate.
Bel Ami was the second published novel by French writer Guy de Maupassant.
Considered the inventor of the essay itself, Michel de Montaigne published Essays.