
Case Files Case Files v2.0.0

PlayHOG presents Case Files, a Hidden Object game where we have carefully hidden 40 objects per level in a total of 10 levels to give you 400 objects to find. We have a level map which will remember your progress, we also have a hint feature that will help find those difficult objects and lastly we give you achievements and stars to earn. We have spent a lot of time to make sure that the graphics and objects are of top quality and will provide hours of fun.


Painter Painter v2.1

Everyone will have fun with Painter, an awesome drawing application. Use your creativity and available tools to create amazing drawings. Perfect for stress relief or as a hobby. Save your files and show your friends.

You will Love it!


Privacy Notes Privacy Notes v1.0

# To enable ProGuard in your project, edit
# to define the proguard.config property as described in that file.
# Add project specific ProGuard rules here.


Bead Template Creator Premium Bead Template Creator Premium v1.1.1

Create bead images from your digital pictures!
