Attack Butterfly is the second in The Rust Bucket Universe series from Boson Books.
The docks of seventeenth century London and Bristol funneled yeomen, thieves, whores, and stolen children.
England, 1264: as Simon de Montfort and his fellow Barons challenge Henry III's arrogant conviction of the divine right of kings to rule.
As Captain L. J. Bohanin heads for California to enjoy his retirement from the 10th Cavalry he becomes immersed in a mystery.
Single Manhattanite Renny Shuler is searching for true love while burning in corporate hell.
June 1I doubt that I would be starting this diary if it weren't for laptops.
When the local mission's Father Duffy shows up at the office of Smith, Chu, Yoshinobu and Correa.
Prudence Abernathy left her job in a California art gallery to marry a young army captain.
Diane stabbed at the intercom switch near her and shouted, "Close hatches and launch!"
The lovely, lonely princess wandered along the edge of a pond thinking about finding a mate.
The Quebec-chartered Nomad chapter of the Hells Angels had two specific goals.
What went wrong with WCW?In 1997, World Championship Wrestling was on top.
Nirvanas Kurt Cobain could not have envisioned what his death would mean to Generation X.
Do you know if your waiter sings in the bathroom?
Dan Snyder narrowly escaped being cut from his junior hockey team for two years in a row.
Gutted, Evie Christies powerful and harrowing debut, pulses with the rhythms of life.
Legend. Bum. Genius. Con Man. Devoted husband and father. Myth. Storyteller.
When Eddie receives an early morning call for help, he catches the next plane to Britain.
you are entirely happy with your poem / you are not happy then there is no charge.
Play Out the Match, Michael Knoxs first published collection of poetry, is also an extended.