
2012 Pro Baseball 2012 Pro Baseball v1.0

Up-to-the-minute news and stats for baseball in the major league.

One tap takes you to the "2012 Major League Baseball season" Wikipedia page, the "2012 World Series" Wikipedia page, and the MLB web site (switch via option menu). Get up-to-the-minute news, stats, points, teams, schedule, play-offs, and World Series.

Place it on your Android home to gain one tap access. This app is a must have for all baseball fans.


FireWorks Game Demo FireWorks Game Demo v17.0

Demo version.

The best Firewroks Game.
35 levels.
International scores.


2011 Pro Tennis (Ad-Supported) 2011 Pro Tennis (Ad-Supported) v1.0

Up-to-the-minute news and stats for the Grand Slam tennis tournaments, the most important tennis events of the year in terms of world ranking points, tradition, prize-money awarded, and public attention.


Sit-or-Start Fantasy Baseball Sit-or-Start Fantasy Baseball v3.3

SIT-OR-START FANTASY BASEBALL is a new, and FREE application that helps fantasy baseball players gain an edge in their fantasy leagues.

For Major League Baseball, our application allows users to get key data and stats, as well as Perform "side-by-side" player comparisons to help you with the sometimes hard choice of who to Sit, or who to Start.


Cricket World Cup Pro 2011 Cricket World Cup Pro 2011 v0.8.1

For the true cricket addicts, Apppli’s Cricket World Cup 2011 pro *unlocker* removes the ads to enhance your experience.
You MUST install the free version of Cricket World Cup 2011 from the Android Market


AntipodalPoint Pro AntipodalPoint Pro v2.0

Have you ever wondered where you would end up if you went straight down from where you were standing? This application will enable you to look all around the world for funny antipodal points.


AntipodalPoint AntipodalPoint v1.2

Have you ever wondered where you would end up if you dug a tunnel straight down from where you were standing? Wonder no more!
