How do I get a refund for my purchase if the application doesn't work on my device?

If an application you have purchased doesn’t work on your device, you should first try to notify the developer informing him of the problem. Any feedback, including device specifications is valuable for the developer so he can improve the application compatibility across more devices. This way the developer will be prompted to provide an update with a fix. To contact the developer, login with your SlideME account, find the application and click on the developer’s username below the application title. Click on the contact tab and fill out the form to contact developer directly. You can also submit a public comment under the application itself. Do not forget to include your device specifications. If the developer is unable to provide you with a solution, he/she should inform SlideME to execute the refund. If the developer fails to respond, contact SlideME and provide copy of the complaint to SlideME to escalate.
Please note that a refund is only possible within one month of purchase.

* Withdrawals of funds from your SlideME Wallet is not permitted.