How can I download my already purchased applications?

You can access your StorageLocker to download your applications you have already purchased in case of a device reset or an application update. Also, the applications that you have purchased through WebBUY will also be available for collection from your StorageLocker.
Only purchases with transactions have the status 'Completed' or 'Received', can be downloaded without being billed. You can see the status of your transactions once logged in from Web.

If an application does not appear in your StorageLocker even though the transaction status on your profile is completed, and you cannot find the application in the SlideME website, this could mean that the developer has decided to remove his/her application for his own reasons or applications has been Rejected for distribution. You should contact the developer directly from his profile’s contact form to request further updates or a re-download of the application. Do include your transaction ID and copy of the invoice receipt when initiating contact with developer as proof of purchase. Do not hesitate to contact SlideME’s support if you require assistance.